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                                  As the customer landscape changes and shifts, our focus is on relevant, world-class, continual improvement. Today, customer service is a profession that can make an immediate and tangible difference.


                                  We’ll help you see the world through a customer lens

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                                  2023 WINNERS
                                  2023 FINALISTS

                                  In the Spotlight

                                  Certified Customer Service Excellence (CCSE) online training workshop - September 01, 2023 

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                                  Certified Customer Service Leader (CCSL) online training workshop - August 20, 2023 

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                                  Certified Complaints Handling Excellence (CCHE) online training workshop - August 13, 2023 

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                                  ICSS Webinar - learn about the new standard ICSS: 2023-2025 - September 07, 2023


                                  The 2023 Australian Service Excellence Awards Finalists have been announced ...

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                                  Catch up our latest news with the June edition of CSIA's newsletter - The LENS

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                                  Who is CSIA? How can we help?

                                  Since 1997, the Customer Service Institute of Australia (CSIA) has supported Australian individuals and organisations to excel in delivering better customer experiences. With the customer landscape is constantly shifting – and the know-how and skills companies need more complex than ever, creating a great customer experience is no longer just worth considering - it’s fundamental to being a better business. CSIA helps you see the the world through a customer lens.


                                  CSIA recognises and promotes customer service as a profession. For twenty years, the Australian Service Excellence Awards have recognised excellence in delivering service to customers

                                  Professional Development

                                  CSIA's suite of training and education programs are designed to support individuals and teams with the skills to deliver or manage exceptional customer service

                                  Customer Performance

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                                  Expertise & Knowledge

                                  CSIA members and clients can access a range of expert services to support customer focused initiatives  through CSIA's certified practitioners or research via CSIA's knowledge centre.  

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                                  Our Partners

                                  INDUSTRY PARTNERS
                                  Keep better customer service in your sights

                                  Become a Certified Customer Service Organisation (CCSO)

                                  All over Australia, companies that have been certified against the International Customer Service Standard (ICSS) are seeing the benefits – for their customers, their staff, and their business.

                                  JOIN THEM

                                  Be a part of a better customer experience.



                                  Join us as an associate, member or fellow and keep improving your customer service – with access to globally recognised insights, skills and specialists whenever you need them.

                                  Join CSIA

                                  Copyright (c) Customer Service Institute of Australia 2023

                                  ABN 31 609 812 919

                                  Level 2, 383 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

                                  P: 1300 912 700 

                                  E: info@csia.com.au

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